

Google Accounts

Google sign-in has a new look. We've improved the sign-in page with a more modern design. Dismiss. Learn more. Sign in. Use your Google Account.


To review and adjust your security settings and get recommendations to help you keep your account secure, sign in to your account. Sign in.


如要查看及調整您的安全性設定,並取得可協助保護帳戶的建議,請登入您的帳戶. 登入. 搜尋. 清除搜尋內容. 關閉搜尋. 主選單. Google 應用程式.

Authentication Tools for Secure Sign In

Safely sign in or sign up anywhere with just a tap. By signing up and in with Sign in with Google, you're safe from bad actors stealing your passwords for third ...

Data Privacy Settings & Controls

You can find key information, privacy, and security settings all in your Google Account. We have created easy-to-use tools like Dashboard and My Activity, which ...

Sign in - Google Accounts

Google sign-in has a new look. We've improved the sign-in page with a more modern design. Dismiss. Learn more. Sign in. Use your Google Account.

Make your account more secure

Sign into your Google Account. At the top right, select your profile picture. Select Recommended actions. This takes you to Security Checkup, where you'll get ...

Less secure apps & your Google Account

Learn how to use Sign in with Google. If an app or site doesn't meet our security standards, Google might block anyone who's trying to sign in to your account ...

Google Account

In your Google Account, you can see and manage your info, activity, security options, and privacy preferences to make Google work better for you.